RWC 2011 MEOC Media End of Match Report

Monday 17 October 2011, 8:04AM

By Rugby World Cup 2011



Sunday 16 October 2011 Match: Semi Final 2: New Zealand v Australia

Eden Park

Record numbers as almost 80,000 come out to RWC 2011 Auckland Fanzones
Almost 20,000 at waterfront Fanzones at match time
More than 6000 watch the match at the Northern Lights Fanzone
Aucklanders walk the walk - a record 12,000-plus get to Eden Park on the Fan Trail

An estimated 75% went to the match by means other than private car.
A total of 23,900 used trains and special event buses to the match. (Post match figures were not available at the time of writing.)
Roads in the area were busy but flowed well.

A total of approximately 77,500 visited RWC 2011 Fanzones at the waterfront and around the region

Waterfront Fanzones (Queens Wharf, Captain Cook Wharf, Wynyard Quarter Fanzone)
A record night with a peak total of almost 20,000 across the Waterfront Fanzones during the match screening
The crowd was spread relatively evenly across both Queens and Captain Cook wharves for the match
Approximately 46,500 visited Queens Wharf through the day with a peak of just under 10,000.
Captain Cook Wharf was opened at 5 pm and peaked at just over 10,200 during the match

Northern Lights:
A total crowd of 10,000 attended the Fanzone throughout the evening
Just over 6300 were on hand to watch the match screening

3 Southern Seas:
A total crowd of 7800 attended the Fanzone throughout the evening
A peak crowd of around 3100 watched the match

4 Outrageous West:
A total crowd of 1300 attended the Fanzone, peaking at almost 1000 during match time.

Fan Trail report:
Just over 12,000 people walked to the match along the Fan Trail - breaking the record for the second night in a row

Police report:
Nine evictions from Eden Park ( by police and by security), no arrests
Eight evictions at Queens Wharf and two arrests (as at 11.30pm)
No arrests at regional Fanzones
Seven evictions and three refused entries at regional Fanzones.

Fire report:
No RWC 2011 related incidents reported

St John report:
52 people attended to at Eden Park, two transported to hospital
34 people attended to at Waterfront Fanzones, none transported to hospital
16 people attended to at regional Fanzones, one person transported to hospital