NZ public must not be kept in dark on TPP

Green Party

Monday 17 October 2011, 2:38PM

By Green Party


The New Zealand public has the right to know what public servants are willing to negotiate away in order to conclude the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, Green Party trade spokesperson Kennedy Graham said today.

Papers drafted by New Zealand officials have been provided to the other Governments involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. Yet these papers will remain secret for at least four years after the negotiations conclude.

"New Zealanders have a right to official information," said Dr Graham.

"This Agreement is about far more than just tariffs and free trade.

"An expansion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership could affect our ability to draft health laws, restrict foreign ownership, and impact on Pharmac's drug purchasing policies."

"The United States Government negotiates in a far more open and transparent manner," said Dr Graham.

"New Zealanders are often placed in the surreal situation of learning what their Government's stance is on free trade deals through releases in other countries - such as the United States.

"Foreign officials are privy to more knowledge about our position than the people who elect our Government and to whom it is accountable.

"The Government claims that the release of these position papers could jeopardise New Zealand's negotiating position in future trade talks.

"The only way the release of these papers could jeopardise the negotiations is if the people of New Zealand find out what the Government is proposing to give away and start to object," said Dr Graham.

The Green Party will be writing to the Ombudsman's Office to explore this matter.