Preliminary Election Results for Wellington City
Mayor Kerry Prendergast has been provisionally re-elected to serve a third term as Mayor of Wellington City Council.
The City Council's Electoral Officer, Ross Bly, tonight announced the preliminary results of the Council's elections. The final election results will be announced by Mr Bly on Wednesday 17 October and confirmed by public notice on Thursday 18 October once all the special votes have been counted.
Mr Bly says that, although there had been a big push in the last couple of days of people returning their votes, only 40 percent of eligible people voted. This compares to 42 percent in the 2004 elections, and 49 percent in 2001.
"We don't know why turn-out was lower than last time. I suspect it is a combination of things including the papers arriving during school holidays, the Rugby World Cup, an incumbent mayor standing for election and general voter apathy."
Below are the election results by ward. The results are announced in two categories:
Elected candidate – these are listed in the order in which they were elected (reached the quota)
Excluded candidate – these are listed from the last candidate excluded to the first excluded (in reverse order of exclusion).
Preliminary Election Results