Happy Nappy Scheme To Launch
New parents in the Queenstown Lakes District are being encouraged to discover the benefits of using cloth nappies as the ‘Happy Nappy’ scheme launches next month.
The scheme, which offered parents the opportunity to purchase $10 cloth nappy starter packs, was aimed at reducing the number of disposable nappies being sent to landfill and Queenstown Lakes District Council solid waste manager Stefan Borowy said the ‘green’ message of using cloth instead of disposable nappies was quite important to those tasked with raising the next generation.
“Approximately 6 tonnes of disposable nappies go to the Victoria Landfill every week,” he said, “Given it takes between 450 to 550 years for a disposable nappy to break down, that’s a rather large legacy of rubbish we’re leaving behind for future generations.”
There were also economic benefits for parents who used cloth nappies.
“Studies have shown that over a two and a half year period of using cloth nappies full time, a family can save between $5,000 and $6,000, which is quite a substantial amount of money,” he said.
“Obviously everybody’s situation is different but even using cloth nappies part time could see more of your money stay in your wallet and of course help contribute to lowering the amount of waste to landfill. Modern cloth nappies are a very different product from the old fashioned folded diapers; they’re easier to wash and dry, designed not to leak and all in all, are a very different proposition from what was used in the pre–disposable nappy era.”
The “Happy Nappy” scheme allows parents to buy a starter pack of 6 cloth nappies with a retail value of nearly $140 for just $10. Starter packs may be purchased by people in their last trimester of pregnancy or with babies aged 0-9 months. Purchasers need to be Queenstown Lakes District residents and packs are limited to one per child.
“Packs will go on sale from 11 am Tuesday 1 November,” Mr Borowy said, “We’re encouraging all interested parents and caregivers to come along to the official launches in Queenstown and Wanaka to meet ‘The Nappy Lady’ Kate Meads who’ll be answering questions and giving advice.”
“ It’s a great chance to get together with other parents, have a coffee and a bit of a chat and find out if using cloth nappies is going to be the right thing for you.”
Information on how the scheme works and terms and conditions are available on the QLDC website. Application forms will be available at the launches and following that can be picked up from QLDC offices and downloaded from the QLDC website.
Queenstown Launch
11am Tuesday 1 November ‘The Common Room’ at Queenstown Resort College Hotops Rise entrance
Wanaka Launch
11am Wednesday 2 November Wanaka Hotel Lounge (next door to the Cheeky Monkey Café) Ardmore Street