Pomare Community House spirit soars

Hutt City Council

Tuesday 25 October 2011, 3:50PM

By Hutt City Council


The team at Pomare Community House were winners of not one but two Wellington Airport Regional Community awards this year. They won the health and wellbeing category and also walked away with the Hutt City supreme award.

The community house is an important part of the Pomare community providing social services, advocacy and support. Candy Murison, from Hutt City Council’s community development team caught up with Pomare Community House coordinator Waikaremoana Manahi to find out how they felt about being recognised in this way and why they’ve been so successful.

Were you surprised by your nomination and win this year?

Yes, we were very surprised by it. We felt it was a long time coming though. It acknowledges the efforts of all our volunteers, the residents, the families and children of Pomare who all help out to make this place what it is. Pomare is always labelled negatively, but live in it, feel it and you’ll have a totally different perspective.

Did you enjoy your evening?

Yes, it was an awesome evening. The food was great and the atmosphere was amazing, it just totally rocked! We also enjoyed reconnecting with councillors Gwen MacDonald, Ken Laban and the Mayor after we won. The praise from people we didn’t even know (but who knew us) also blew the team away. Being associated with the many people there on the night that do so much for this City - it was so great!

How do you plan to celebrate your win?

If we had the resources, we would have a fantastic community family day celebration - not just for the Community House, but for the whole of Pomare. We’d have all the bells and whistles, candy floss, castles, car and motorbike rides, a whole day event! But we’re realistic, so we’ll be having just as much fun with a community celebration BBQ. Everyone in the community will be invited, we’ll have some activities and we have enough resources within this area to make it happen. Only trouble is finding a date, but we should have some indication in a month.

How has the win impacted the community?

You have no idea! The wairua (spirit) of this place is strengthened by this win, the people and the environment - it’s been amazing. The morale and positive energy that came when they all found out still buzzes around us. It has really lifted the community. We can make things happen here, it is a good place to live - everyone else that looks at us and says its poor, it’s this and that - well we have riches beyond those negative perceptions, and guess what, the city of Lower Hutt also thinks that. Now, we’re just so excited for the next stage of the awards - the regional awards in Wellington. Can you imagine that, our own city, our region - the world’s our oyster!

What makes your organisation work so well?

There is so much passion in our community and that gives us an edge - we know the pulse of the community. We work together in unity with other organisations like Hutt City Council, like Hutt Union Community Health Services and because our issues are diverse we do not work in silos. Partnerships are the only way to achieve what we set out to do. We make sure it is not about ‘bums on seats’ but providing the required services to those that need them.

What advice would you give other organisations working in similar areas?

Don’t be gate keepers! Recognise the strengths of your community. Invite and build relationships with your community. It’s about discovery, them discovering you and you being open to discovery, it’s not a one-way process. When you form relationships with people it opens the door to their homes and it is much easier to understand their needs and how you can help. Then it’s about planning and goal setting together. Do that and you’ll gain their confidence, do that, and you may be in for an award.