Affordable and community Housing Plan Change

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Monday 15 October 2007, 4:57PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Affordable and Community Housing Plan Change 24 will be notified next week, after the Queenstown Lakes District Council voted to adopt the plan change on Friday (12 October), QLDC senior planning analyst-housing Scott Figenshow said.

The plan change proposed two objectives to be added to the District Plan:

To provide a range of opportunities for low and moderate income resident households and temporary worker households to live in the district in accommodation appropriate for their needs;

To ensure the provision of high quality affordable housing in proximity to places of work, transport and community services.

“The plan change includes several policies that cover how these objectives can be achieved,” Mr Figenshow said.

One of the key tools proposed was the preparation of an Affordable Housing Impact and Mitigation Statement (AHIMS) for new developments.

The AHIMS determined the extent of affordable housing demand generated by any new development or subdivision beyond what was already anticipated under the plan, and the range of actions to be taken to mitigate the identified demand.

Only those new developments that proposed exceeding what was anticipated under the District Plan (meaning permitted, controlled and restricted discretionary activities) by a significant amount would be required to deliver affordable and community housing.

People building a house on an already approved section, would not be affected by this plan change, nor would small sized subdivisions.

“The plan change will allow us to provide an opportunity for a mix of market solutions and community ownership to meet the future affordable housing demands as the district grows,” Mr Figenshow said.

It also gave the council a resource management framework for consideration of the housing needs of the district’s workforce and ensured quality and energy efficiency standards for affordable housing.

“The plan change is one tool but it will need to be used in conjunction with others. Central Government is progressing a Housing Affordability Bill which may, if adopted, provide additional tools and resources to local government to further assist in the delivery of affordable housing,” Mr Figenshow said.

Those measures, if enacted, would likely be complementary to, but not replace, the purpose of Plan Change 24.

Once notified, anyone could make a submission on the housing plan change through until 19 December 2007.

“We anticipate calling for further submissions, as per the plan change process, in mid-January, through to the end of February, 2008. A hearing would likely be held between May and July 2008, with the council possibly in a position to adopt the decision between September and December 2008. The process would then be subject to appeal,” Mr Figenshow said.

The council planned a district-wide mailout on the plan change and at least two workshops to assist the community in understanding and making informed comment. A four-page summary guide was also being prepared that would outline the provisions of the plan change. The guide would be available next week on the council website