High profile Japanese celebrity creates his own NZ phone application

Wednesday 26 October 2011, 12:12AM

By Tourism New Zealand


One of the phone app captured images from Japanese celebrity Saburo Tokito from his NZ trip.
One of the phone app captured images from Japanese celebrity Saburo Tokito from his NZ trip. Credit: Tourism New Zealand

Due to the immense response of his visit by fans, well known Japanese actor Saburo Tokito created his own phone application which showcased images of his visit to New Zealand.
The app included links to and each photo references Google Maps so users could follow his journey during his visit.

He became the first high profile Japanese celebrity to 'tweet' around New Zealand and his real time diary was shared via Twitter which included his personal recommendations.

Mr Tokito shared his experiences of Whale Watch Kaikoura, wineries in Malborough, and some of Nelson's activities and natural areas including Golden Bay and Farewell Spit.

Mr Tokito's passion for photography, in particular dawn and dusk landscapes, is gaining in popularity through his engaging social channels on Facebook and twitter. He now has over 22,000 followers on Twitter.

Tourism New Zealand General Manager Asia Markets Mark Frood says, "We know that this activity works in helping to not only get the amazing experiences New Zealand has to offer to potential visitors, but also to support the essence of our 100% Pure You drive."