General support for Wynyard Quarter coastal plan change

Auckland Regional Council

Monday 15 October 2007, 5:09PM

By Auckland Regional Council



Sixty submissions have been received on the Regional Plan: Coastal, Plan Change 3 – Wynyard Quarter.

Cr Paul Walbran, chair of the Regional Strategy and Planning Committee, says there has been substantial interest from the public, with many submitters broadly supporting the plan change for the area.

“Over 600 people have taken the time to make a submission on the district and coastal plan changes, and I would like to thank them for their time and effort,” he says.

“The public’s views on a development as important as this are critical. We want to make the development as high quality as possible, with a good balance between the built environment and open space, and good connections between the land and water.

“The public input through the Waterfront Vision 2040 process and subsequent consultation have proved invaluable to fine-tuning the plans. I encourage people to get involved in the next stage of consultation and tell us whether or not they agree with the submissions that have been made.”

The ARC’s proposed plan change relates to the use of the water space and wharves around Wynyard Quarter (also known as Wynyard Point and the Tank Farm). The planned transformation of the area into an urban village with parks, plazas, boulevards, shops, apartments and restaurants will be a major asset for the Auckland region. The redevelopment plans include a future 4.25 hectare headland park, 2.4 km of publicly accessible waterfront, a working fishing wharf and marine events precinct and a waterfront promenade along Jellicoe St. The new public area is in response to the public's wish for more access to the water, open space and a greater mix of land uses.

The coastal plan change provides for the changes expected in the redevelopment and corresponds with the proposed Auckland City Council District Plan changes for the adjoining land. They were notified together on 9 July and submissions closed on 20 August.

Key themes in the coastal plan submissions related to:

  • The effect of the proposed Te Wero Bridge on boat movement in the Viaduct Harbour.
  • The amount of space provided for the fishing and marine industries
  • Whether there should be space for cruise ship berths.
  • The future operation and location of the bulk liquids industry.
  • The provision for new buildings on Wynyard Wharf and Halsey Street. Wharf (height, bulk, car parking and office space).
  • The marine events centre – whether it should allow non-marine events and the potential for noise disturbing nearby apartment dwellers.

There have been a number of submissions that broadly support the bridge and events centre.

Paul Walbran says there will be changes to the coastal plan change through the hearing process.

“It is very useful to have these concerns raised so we can refine our planning for future use of the wharves and water space.

“We will be working with Auckland City Council to ensure there are appropriate provisions for the fishing and marine industries. We want to support their continued presence at Wynyard Quarter.

“The design and operation of Te Wero Bridge will need to be carefully considered to ensure that there are only minor effects on boat traffic. The Council recognises that it is essential that the use of the Viaduct basin by vessels continues.”

The ARC is publicly notifying the availability of its Summary of Decisions Requested on the Proposed Plan Change 3 – Wynyard Quarter on 23 October 2007. Anyone may view the summary documents and make further submissions in support of, or in opposition to, the original submissions.

The Summary of Decisions Requested documents can be inspected at:

ARC Head Office, Ground Floor, 21 Pitt Street, Auckland during office hours.
Online at (the original submissions can also be viewed here).

A further submission form is available on the ARC website.

The plan change encompasses amendments and new provisions relating to:

  • Te Wero Bridge, between eastern Viaduct Harbour and Wynyard Quarter.
  • A marine events centre on Halsey Street Extension Wharf, Western Viaduct Wharf and the adjacent water space, including an extension to the time limit for temporary events in the Viaduct Harbour.
  • Use and development of the North Wharf along Jellicoe Street, including for fishing industry operations.
  • Future development and use of Wynyard Wharf for port, commercial, entertainment and public use, including buildings on Wynyard Wharf.
  • New design criteria for buildings on wharves and public sculptures in Port Management Areas 2 and 4A
  • Management of future uses and development of the water around Wynyard Quarter, including for fishing and marine industries
  • Noise limits for the coastal marine area to permit an increased number of public events each year and clarifying where those noise limits can be measured.

A hearing on the submissions will be held in 2008. After the Councils give their decisions on the proposal, any person who has made a submission or further submission has the right to appeal the proposed plan change decision to the Environment Court.

Following any appeals, the plan change will need to be approved by the Minister of Conservation.

Wynyard Quarter is the area of land running from Fanshawe Street to the harbour, with Halsey Street on its eastern side and Beaumont Street to the west. Auckland Regional Holdings, which owns most of the land north of Pakenham Street, is redeveloping this land through its subsidiary company Sea+City Projects Ltd, working closely with Auckland City Council.

Auckland City Council owns a portion of land on Halsey Street, the Halsey Street Wharf extension and all public space within Wynyard Quarter, bar the headland public space, which is jointly owned by Auckland City and Auckland Regional Council.

Viaduct Harbour Holdings Ltd is the owner of the land between Pakenham and Fanshawe Street.

For further information please contact Cr Paul Walbran on 817 8194 or 021 886 723, or Glyn Walters, Communications Team Leader on 366 2000 ext 8114 or 021 417 188.