Break-away school holiday programmes announced
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is pleased to announce another round of Break-Away School Holiday Programmes is going ahead.
“This is the third year we have run free school holiday programmes for young people who might not otherwise get the chance to attend,” says Ms Bennett.
This year $3 million in funding will provide 30,000 one-week places over the summer holidays and in April next year.
“We have more community organisations than ever involved this year, a total of 76, including for the first time a programme on Chatham Island.”
Some of the areas where Break-away programmes will be held include the Far North, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, East Coast, Christchurch and Dunedin.
About three quarters of the programmes will be in the summer holidays, the rest in the April school holidays next year.
The range of activities on offer is really exciting and includes kayaking, abseiling, mural art, dance, swimming, kapa haka, sports and circus skills.
“It’s a great chance for communities to work with their young people, using the skills and talents of locals to come up with a programme that will stimulate and challenge them,” says Ms Bennett.
Break-Away holiday programmes are for young people aged 11 to 17 years.
The programmes are free and are targeted to high need communities where young people would not normally have access to school holiday programmes.
For more information about the Break-Away School Holiday Programmes and a list of providers visit