Tourism New Zealand appoints new Australian agencies

Tourism New Zealand

Friday 28 October 2011, 6:55PM

By Tourism New Zealand


Tourism New Zealand has appointed Whybin/TBWA and reappointed Mindshare to service its Australian creative, media, digital requirements and global brand strategy.
Justin Watson, Tourism New Zealand's General Manager Marketing Communications, said the choice was driven by a need to ensure the strongest resourcing partners to deliver Tourism New Zealand's new strategic goals.

"A year into our new marketing strategy it was time to review our partners to get greater coordination and integration of activity. We wanted to ensure correct alignment of delivery with Tourism New Zealand's strategic goals, particularly maintenance of the '100% Pure You' campaign and our focus on digital marketing", he said.

Mr. Watson said Whybin/TBWA were chosen because they were a true trans-Tasman agency and because of their expertise in brand stewardship, strong digital capability, world class creative and the strength of their coordination and integration.

Mindshare, who were the incumbent media partner, have been reappointed because of their strong ongoing performance and integrated approach to working.

"Tourism New Zealand requires the very best marketing talent, working in the most effective way and with the right resources, to support our goal of increasing visitor numbers and tourism value to New Zealand", he said. "Having the right Australasian agency structure and resources in place will enable us to effectively and efficiently manage our number one priority market of Australia".

Tourism New Zealand remains committed to its marketing approach including its digital media focus and the continuation of the New Zealand 100% Pure you campaign, which remains unaffected by the appointment. Marketing campaigns underway or under development in Australia will also continue.

The two were chosen following an open RFP process via New Zealand's Government Electronic Tenders Service, GETS. The process, which attracted 25 formal submissions, was led by Colin Wilson-Brown from the Australian consultancy 'The Clinic'. Colin along with Tourism New Zealand senior executive management made up the selection panel.

Tourism New Zealand uses creative and media agencies around the world to develop and implement marketing strategies and campaigns, to support its key goal of attracting international visitors to visit New Zealand.