National's transport plan ignores Aucklanders

Green Party

Saturday 29 October 2011, 6:13PM

By Green Party


National's Auckland transport policy confirms they won't listen to Auckland's pleas for a vibrant city with better buses and trains, said the Green Party today.

Green Party transport spokesperson Gareth Hughes said the National Party's 1950s-era policy was heavy on spending for a few uneconomic motorways, including the Puhoi to Wellsford Holiday Highway, and promised no new funding for high quality trains and buses.

"Transport Minister Steven Joyce wants to pretend their policy is balanced and provides for increased spending on rail, but if you read the document, it's clear they have committed no new money to rail.

"Rail patronage is growing fast. We need to start construction on the CBD rail link urgently so more Aucklanders can take the train, but the National Party doesn't even have it on their radar.

"Instead they are doing the opposite, increasing funding for new state highways to over $1 billion a year for the next decade.

"It is irresponsible to borrow billions to blow on motorways when over the last five years traffic has been down, petrol is up and public transport patronage through the roof.

"Instead of borrowing to pay for a few motorways, the Government could increase funding to smart transport solutions, like the CBD rail link, better buses, safe walking and cycling. It would only take a tiny fraction of the billions they are putting into new motorways.

"Now is the time to start investing in a smart, green transport system for New Zealand.

"The Green Party has an affordable, costed transport plan that will deliver a 21st century transport network, safer neighbourhoods, cleaner air and a smart economy, while saving everyone money," said Mr Hughes.