Overwhelming response to Auckland Plan

Auckland Council

Tuesday 1 November 2011, 4:12PM

By Auckland Council



The Mayor has welcomed the overwhelming response to the Auckland Plan submission process.

More than 2500 submissions have been received for the Auckland Plan and its supporting plans.

Provisional totals are:

  • Auckland Plan, 1700 (with final count expected to be 2000)
  • Economic Development Strategy, 80
  • City Centre Master Plan, 200
  • Waterfront Plan, 660

Auckland Plan submissions contained over 4300 points of feedback including references to the supporting plans. The Auckland Plan is subject to statutory consultation and public hearings.

The Mayor says the enthusiasm with which Aucklanders have engaged with the process is fantastic.

“It has always been about us collectively articulating our vision for Auckland. It is my responsibility to give a strong lead in this, but the input and wisdom of Aucklanders is essential,” says Len Brown.

“There is no doubt that the Rugby World Cup and the completion of projects like Wynyard Quarter, the Art Gallery, shared spaces and Auckland Zoo’s Te Wao Nui meant Aucklanders began to recognise the city’s potential and encouraged them to engage in the consultation process.”

The ten most popular topics included:

  • making a quality compact city
  • the city centre master plan
  • transformation shifts
  • Auckland’s economy
  • the southern initiative
  • building enduring town centres and neighbourhoods

About a third of submitters want to speak at hearings. Submitters can choose whether to speak at a formal hearing or informal workshop forums. The hearings panel will comprise all councillors.

Two thirds of company submitters want to be heard and 25 per cent of personal submitters.

Following the public hearings – which start on 14 November and include marae, Pacific Island and key stakeholder hearings – the draft Auckland Plan will be finalised in December and adopted in February, 2012.