Green Party welcomes Palestinian statehood

Green Party

Tuesday 1 November 2011, 6:30PM

By Green Party


The Green Party has welcomed UNESCO member states' decision to recognise Palestine as an independent state despite the fact the New Zealand Government chose to abstain on the vote.

"The recognition of Palestine by UNESCO member states represents the majority international view that the Palestinian people deserve to be represented as a state at the international level," Green Party MP Kennedy Graham said today.

"Hopefully this will be followed by other UN bodies.

"In international law, one of the critical tests for statehood is whether a country has the capacity to enter into relations with other states, and whether those other states recognise their sovereign authority to do so. The fact that this is now occurring is a significant first step for the full recognition of Palestine."

In September, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas applied for Palestinian membership at the UN General Assembly. The decision requires the backing of the UN Security Council but the United States has stated it will block the application. New Zealand's position at present is one of abstention.

"New Zealand's abstention is disappointing," said Dr Graham.

"The New Zealand Government owes the public a credible explanation as to why it's abstaining on Palestinian statehood.

"New Zealand is bidding for a UN Security Council seat in 2015, and this abstention will do nothing to assist us in this goal.

"The acknowledgment of an independent Palestinian state will advance the possibility of a lasting peaceful settlement with Israel. It is important that both groups are treated as equals under international law."