National picks wrong horse with welfare policy

Green Party

Tuesday 1 November 2011, 6:57PM

By Green Party


National has backed a loser with its welfare policy launch on Melbourne Cup day, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.

National today announced welfare reforms which involve much stronger work testing for beneficiaries particularly those on the domestic purposes or sickness benefit.

"The way to get welfare numbers down is through a strong economy and good jobs," said Mrs Turei.

"Importing hard right welfare solutions that pay people to harass beneficiaries into low paid jobs is not the answer to a better or brighter future.

"National seem to spend far more of their time looking for ways to bully beneficiaries than actually worrying about creating jobs.

"The Green Party believes the way to get more New Zealanders into work is putting money into research and development of clean green jobs," said Mrs Turei.

"We also need to support beneficiaries through education and training opportunities rather than creating a giant bureaucracy to bash those unfortunate enough to be unemployed."