Provisional count: 2011 Tokelau Census

Statistics New Zealand

Wednesday 2 November 2011, 1:53PM

By Statistics New Zealand


This report details the provisional census night population count from the 2011 Tokelau Census of Population and Dwellings for Tokelau and its three atolls: Fakaofo, Nukunonu, and Atafu.

This is the first information release from the 2011 Tokelau Census.

Provisional census night population count for Tokelau

The number of people counted as present in Tokelau on census night Tuesday, 18 October 2011 was 1,205.

This figure compares with the final 2006 Tokelau census night population count of 1,151 people. The census night population has increased by 5 percent.

Provisional census night population count for each atoll


The 2011 provisional census night count for Fakaofo was 486 people. This figure represents a 19 percent increase from the 2006 census night population of 407 people.


The 2011 provisional census night count for Nukunonu was 316 people. This figure represents a 9 percent increase from the 2006 census night population of 291 people.


The 2011 provisional census night count for Atafu was 403 people. This figure represents an 11 percent decrease from the 2006 census night population of 453 people.

The table below shows the changes in the census night population count between the 2006 and 2011 censuses.

Tokelau population counts(1)and change
2006 and 2011 Censuses
Census night population count(1) Increase or decrease (-) 2006–2011
2006 2011 (provisional) Number Percent
Fakaofo 407 486 79 19
Nukunonu 291 316 25 9
Atafu 453 403 -50 -11
Tokelau 1,151 1,205 54 5
1. People present in Tokelau on census night (excludes Samoa).
Source: Tokelau Census of Populatin and Dwellings, 2006 and 2011

Definitions and further information

Who is included in the 2011 provisional census night count?

The provisional census night count includes all people who were in Tokelau on census night, Tuesday, 18 October 2011. This included temporary visitors. The provisional census night count does not include people who normally live in Tokelau but were absent on census night.

The provisional census night count is an early indication of the census night count. It represents an estimate based on administrative records created during the collection process. It is not created using processed census forms.

The census night count may change when the final count is released.

Next release

A final count of the population of Tokelau and its atolls will be released on 14 December 2011. The final count will include the de jure usually resident population count, and a comparison to the 2006 Tokelau Census count.

The de jure usually resident population count includes the usually resident population present in Tokelau on census night plus usual residents who are temporarily overseas at the time of the census (including Tokelauan Tokelau Public Service (TPS) employees based in Apia and their immediate families, and usual residents who are temporarily overseas).

Release information

These provisional results were publically released at 12 noon on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 in New Zealand, and Tuesday, 1 November 2011 in Samoa.

The Office of the Council for the Ongoing Government of Tokelau and Statistics New Zealand have worked together on the 2011 Tokelau Census.