Enviroschools Award Ceremony South Canterbury

Environment Canterbury

Thursday 3 November 2011, 1:49PM

By Environment Canterbury



Enviroschools Canterbury invites media to the 2011 South Canterbury awards ceremony.

At this presentation schools to be acknowledged in receiving silver and bronze awards are Morven, Waimataitai School and St Joseph’s Timaru respectively.

“This is an opportunity for schools to celebrate and be acknowledged for their achievements towards creating a more sustainable school community,” said Enviroschools Canterbury Co-ordinator Andrea Taylor.

Media are welcome to attend the awards ceremonies or speak to the schools for details of projects.

When: Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 1:30-3:00pm
Where: Waimataitai School, Timaru
Attending: Rex Williams, Environment Canterbury Commissioner, Steve Earnshaw, Timaru District Council Councillor, Jim Anderson, Waimate District Council Councillor

For more information on the national Enviroschools programme and awards scheme, go to

2011 Enviroschools Canterbury Awards – South Canterbury

Silver Awards Key Contact
Morven School Viv Raj, Principal, 03 689 4717
Waimataitai School Jane Culhane, Principal, 03 684 5566
Bronze Awards Key Contact
St Joseph’s Timaru Carmel Brosnahan-Pye, Principal, 03 688 1376


Notable Achievements

Morven School - Silver award

  • Cemetery project – school is caring for the local cemetery, consulted with descendants and the council
  • Great vegetable gardens the food is processed and eaten at school – also have planted fruit trees.
  • Produce very little waste - have good systems and monitoring- healthy eating encouraged
  • Fantastic at using the local area for learning – great teaching and learning processes around local issues such as water – and using local experts.
  • Fabulous community involvement - local experts, parents, marae, local businesses
  • Investigated the Maori history of the area and have good links with the local marae where they are the Tangata Whenua on certain occasions.

Waimataitai School - Silver award

  • Reduced their waste through litter-less lunches, worm farms, recycling.
  • School transport plan encouraging students to walk and bike/scooter to school
  • Vegetable gardens planted and maintained by students, native bird tree area developed
  • Regularly teach sustainability.

St Joseph's Timaru - Bronze award

  • Established a vegetable garden with all classes involved in sowing, planting and harvesting produce.
  • Great worm farms producing worm juice to sell and using vermicast on gardens
  • Vision - Have produced a map and as a consequence all students have input into art work for murals around the school- topic was nature
  • Good recycling systems in place.