New DairyNZ Directors welcomed by Federated Farmers

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Thursday 3 November 2011, 4:53PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers is congratulating the successful candidates who have been elected to DairyNZ’s Board.

“DairyNZ’s directors are important because each year, dairy farmers pay just under $55 million dollars in commodity levies to it,” says Willy Leferink, Federated Farmers Dairy chairperson.

“That’s a major commitment by farmers to research and development inside the farm gate. DairyNZ is a key plank of our industry and has a key role to play in New Zealand’s future prosperity.

“As farmers, we want DairyNZ to deliver the tools we need to farm profitably and sustainably. The things are really flipsides of the same coin.

“We’re pleased that the Hon John Luxton has been returned to the Board. Being the ‘farmer’s union’ so to speak, Federated Farmers believes John has done a terrific job steering DairyNZ in the right direction.

“There’s still plenty of work for him and returning director Michael Spaans to do. We also congratulate 33-year old Ben Allomes being elected to the Board. As the 2007-08 New Zealand Sharemilker of the Year with his wife Nicky, it’s positive to see new blood around the table.

“Yet it’s hard to say goodbye to those who worked hard for the dairy industry and outgoing director Kevin Ferris is one of these. Federated Farmers thanks him for this contribution.
“Federated Farmers Dairy believes there is much scope to grow the New Zealand dairy industry.

“We’re keen to continue working in partnership with DairyNZ. What we need most are the on-farm tools and measures to crack dairying’s environmental footprint; whether that’s real or perceived.

“DairyNZ has the funding and scientists to deliver these tools and measures. These will greatly help Federated Farmers in putting dairying’s policy case, locally, regionally and nationally.

“Federated Farmers has the policy skill and nous given the other industry sectors we represent. Simply put, we all need to work closer by focusing on our key strengths instead of doubling up.

“The issues dairy faces are pretty much shared with other parts of the agricultural sector.

“We look forward to working with the new Board of DairyNZ and we will continue to keep them focussed on what farmers need for their land, their water and their cows,” Mr Leferink concluded.