Tell us your views on mangroves urges Auckland Regional Council
In response to community concern over the spread of mangroves, the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) is seeking the public’s views on proposed changes to its Regional Plan: Coastal.
Auckland communities have been increasingly voicing their concerns about the effects of mangrove spread and uncertainties over their management. The main cause of this spread is an increase in the habitat preferred by mangroves, as muddy sediments released during the development of land accumulate in estuaries and harbours.
Cr Paul Walbran, Chair of the ARC’s Strategy and Planning Committee says the issue is complex and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
“While mangroves deserve protection for a number of reasons, including their ecological values and their role in coastal erosion prevention, in some areas mangrove spread is affecting other ecological values - for example displacing wading birds - and changing the way the public uses and enjoys the coast.
“The ARC’s proposed new policy offers a balanced approach to mangrove management, which recognises the need for their protection in some areas, but also accepts that in some circumstances their removal may be appropriate.”
The ARC commissioned a review of the current state of knowledge of New Zealand mangroves to guide the plan making process. Overall, the review concludes that the value of mangroves is generally site- specific, and that their management needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The review included detailed information on areas of debate over New Zealand mangrove values, but also highlighted some important gaps in our knowledge. Copies of this review are available from
The plan change proposes that outside specified sensitive areas and subject to conditions, people won’t need a resource consent to remove a small area of mangroves for access, drainage or infrastructure safety reasons.
The hand removal of mangrove seedlings is also proposed to be permitted without a consent, so that communities can “hold the line” on the further expansion of mangroves, while longer term solutions to sedimentation are implemented. Resource consents of various types would be needed for other mangrove removal activities.
The ARC is also working on addressing the causes of increasing mangrove spread through the long-term management of land activities which generate the sediment in the first place.
The ARC notified the proposed mangrove management plan change on 17 October 2007 and submissions close at 5pm on Wednesday 28 November 2007. Anyone with an interest in mangrove management in the Auckland region is encouraged to make their views known by making a submission to the proposed plan change. The plan change can be viewed at public libraries throughout Auckland, at the ARC Head Office, 21 Pitt Street, Auckland, or online at
A submission form is available on the website and can be downloaded and emailed to or posted to the Administrator, Auckland Regional Plan: Coastal – Mangrove Management, Auckland Regional Council, 21 Pitt St, Private Bag 92 012, Auckland.