Reforming third party advertising vital

Infonews Editor

Saturday 14 April 2007, 11:28AM

By Infonews Editor



Reform of third party advertising is a critical element of the developing proposals on electoral finance reform, Justice Minister Mark Burton said today.

"The issue of wealthy interest groups attempting to buy the outcome of elections is an issue that has reared its head in other countries in recent years.

"Secretive interest groups know that if they can capsize proposed reform before 2008 they will have another opportunity to try and snatch the outcome of an election under the current rules. In our talks with other political parties we're seeing that they share our concern that these groups shouldn't be given another chance.

"The regulation of third party advertising in New Zealand is less rigorous when compared to other parliamentary democracies.

"In both the UK and Canada, third party expenditure is capped and registration and disclosure of expenditure are required. Though here the details are still being worked through a similar approach is clearly something that could benefit our electoral process.

"Let me be clear, the developing reforms will not take away the right of third parties to advertise in a legitimate way and express their political opinion as part of the election process.

"What the reforms will do is create a level playing field for all those involved in the electoral process and, critically, they will ensure the public know who they are.

"A system where the expenditure of political parties is capped, while third parties can campaign without limit is open to abuse and unfortunately we only have to look at the 2005 election to see evidence of this.

"The ominous signs out of the Exclusive Brethren this week show that prompt reform of the electoral funding system is vital. The more protests we hear from groups like them, the more we know we're on the right track."