Green's alcohol bill a better plan for booze laws

Green Party

Wednesday 17 October 2007, 12:18PM

By Green Party


The Green Party welcomes the recommended changes to the law around the sale and supply of liquor to minors, but would like to see alcohol advertising off the air.

“The Green Party would still like to see changes to the self regulatory standard for alcohol advertising. The Green Party has a bill to ban all broadcast advertising of alcohol, to bring that standard into line with tobacco advertising. Alcohol causes enormous harm and its extensive advertising encourages a binge-drinking culture that is very harmful. We are disappointed that the Government has not taken this issue seriously.

“We are pleased, however, to see greater levels of enforcement and penalties on supplying or selling alcohol to young people,” Green Party MP Metiria Turei says.

“The strange anomaly that allows young people to be given alcohol at private functions often leads to further drinking and related problems. Creating an offence for adults, other than a parent or guardian, who supply alcohol to a minor who consumes it in a public place is a good start. Adults who give young people alcohol should be held responsible for the results.

“Sixty percent of alcohol consumed by young people comes from their parents or guardians. Adults who give young people alcohol take on a very serious responsibility. Too often young people suffer severe consequences, such as assaults or even death, because adults have allowed them to drink, but not supervised them.

“We are also pleased with the zero alcohol limit for drivers under 20 years of age, given the extent of drink driving injury suffered by this age group.”