Six Year Battle To Register A New Herbicide

Monday 7 November 2011, 2:33PM

By Marlborough District Council



Marlborough District Council Senior Biosecurity officer Ben Minehan has battled long and hard on behalf of the landowners of Marlborough to bring in a new herbicide to control the invaders of Marlborough pastures, the dreaded nassella tussock and Chilean needlegrass.

The herbicide Taskforce, which has been getting good results across Australia, has just been given the all-clear by the Environmental Risk Management Authority and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority.

All southern Marlborough is considered at serious risk from the swiftly spreading Chilean needlegrass which has seeds which penetrate the skin of sheep, affecting animal health and meat quality. Nassella tussock, which is indigestible to sheep, has been a threat to our pastures since its seeds first arrived in the province about 80 years ago with the lucerne industry.

Councillor Geoff Evans says Marlborough farmers have reason to appreciate Ben Minehan’s diligence and perseverance as it has taken a six year campaign to get access to this control tool.

“No farmer should under-estimate the risk from these pest plants – they have the potential to make a huge amount of our pastoral land useless for livestock if they get away on us,” said Councillor Evans.

He is urging pastoral farmers to come to the fields days Council has organised to learn how to use the new herbicide safely and effectively.

Under Council’s regional pest management strategy, landowners are responsible for the control of these pest plants before they seed while Council staff are responsible for conducting surveillance and compliance inspections.

Information days for the new Taskforce herbicide

  • Tuesday 8 November, 1.00 pm Awatere Memorial Hall in Seddon: focus on Chilean needlegrass control with a visit to trial plot in Cable Station Road.
  • Wednesday 9 November, 8.30 am, Marlborough District Council Office in Blenheim: focus on nassella tussock with visit to trial plot at Vernon Station.


For further information contact Sue Bulfield-Johnston at Council, Ph: 520 7400 or email