Significant changes to stem from V8 audit
Significant changes to Hamilton City Council’s reporting procedures and project business case assessment are likely to result from the Audit NZ report on the handling of the city’s V8 Supercars event.
In his response to the Audit NZ report, Council Chief Executive Barry Harris has announced 27 recommended actions in a report and supporting documents which will be tabled at Wednesday’s Extraordinary Council Meeting.
Mr Harris acknowledged the Audit NZ report had identified serious shortfalls in Council processes designed to ensure sound decision-making and accurate and timely reporting to Council and the city.
Mr Harris’ recommendations include:
-The development and implementation of a Business Case Policy for major projects.
-Tightening up of Council’s contract management procedures.
-Reinforcing to staff the awareness and understanding of risk management.
-The need to provide Council with clear, objective and transparent communication and information.
-Major projects are reviewed periodically as part of internal audit work.
Mr Harris said he was confident Council’s new governance structure, as well as changes already made to Council policies and systems, would reassure the public significant improvement at Council was already taking place.
He said: “It is important Hamilton’s ratepayers and stakeholders in the city’s future get the transparency and accountability they demand from Council and staff. The recommendations in this report are a critical step in ensuring management of contracts and significant Council projects are up to scratch and meet the expectations of ratepayers.”
Wednesday’s Extraordinary Council meeting is open to the public and also includes a continuation of the Service Evaluations which form part of Council’s10-Year Plan discussions. Service Evaluations on Grants, Parks and Open Spaces, Waikato Museum and Council’s Events Facilities are among the Agenda items.
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