Magic Memories expands in the US

Tuesday 8 November 2011, 12:00PM

By Southern Public Relations


Julie Kreisler in Queenstown with Magic Memories US Development Manager Justin Ward
Julie Kreisler in Queenstown with Magic Memories US Development Manager Justin Ward Credit: Southern Public Relations


Magic Memories, the New Zealand tourism photography experience company, is set to take its cutting edge services and expertise to United States tourism attractions with the help of US marketing experts, The Kreisler Group (TKG).

Julie Kreisler of TKG is well versed in Kiwi innovation and culture after five years representing the Fisher & Paykel brand stateside and now plans a similar success story for the Magic Memories.

“TKG specialises in helping companies through the ‘entry process’ into new markets and we are very confident that we can add significant value as Magic Memories becomes the photographic leading supplier to US tourism attractions such as aquariums and observation wheels and decks.

“Magic Memories delivers a customer experience that is very special and completely unlike anything in the American attraction market today. We see a very bright future for this company which so successfully fuses entertainment and education into a photobook that can be shared online and owned physically, to provide a wonderful account of an experience,” she said.

Magic Memories spokesman and co-founder Stuart Norris says the company is delighted to have TKG cheering for them.

“Kreisler spent the 1st part of her induction at our Queenstown headquarters for an intensive initiation into the heart of our company. She is now fully versed in the way we work and is excited about how we can bring a smile to the face of every customer. We will work together on an ongoing basis to develop our relationship further.

“Magic Memories currently produces more than 15 million personalized ‘Magic Memories’ a year across attractions in 5 countries – New Zealand Australia, UK, Ireland and South Africa and we’re now looking to bring our magic touch to the US attractions market,” says Mr Norris.

Mr Norris believes Magic Memories latest photobook product will be very well received In the US market.

“We will be attending IAPPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions Expo) next week in Florida, US to test the product and meet some key contacts.

“Our belief that successful tourism photography begins and ends with enhancing each customer’s experience will be a major key to success here,” he said.

The Magic Memories system is designed to benefit people at each stage of its process. Partners benefit through the seamless provision of a state-of-the-art service, worldwide brand promotion and revenue improvement while customers benefit from a system that makes keeping and sharing the memories of an attraction experience an experience in itself.