Wairarapa Police urge vigilance as cannabis growing season approaches

Tuesday 8 November 2011, 12:13PM

By New Zealand Police



With the cannabis growing season approaching, Wairarapa Police are urging rural residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Police as soon as possible.

Detective Sergeant Rob Rackliff of the Wairarapa CIB says growers are beginning to plant their cannabis and Police need assistance from the community to stamp out this type of drug activity.

"We urge rural residents in particular to contact us if they have begun to notice suspicious vehicles driving along or parked on rural roads or any evidence that people have been travelling across farmland, especially if equipment such as bags, containers or water bottles have been located on rural properties."

Detective Sergeant Rackliff says gardening retailers should also be wary of people buying larger than usual amounts of potting mix, fertilizer and seedling containers.

"Police continue to take a zero tolerance approach to cannabis and the harm is causes in our communities throughout the Wairarapa."

Residents wanting to report suspicious activity should phone Wairarapa Police on (06) 3700 300 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.