Overnight closure of SH82 Waitaki Bridges

Thursday 10 November 2011, 4:34PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is closing the Waitaki Bridges on State Highway (SH82) near Kurow overnight (Thursday 10 November/Friday 11 November) following scouring at one of the bridge piers.

The closure will be in place from 8pm until 7am tomorrow.

NZTA Highways Operation Manager Peter Connors says the scouring does not appear to be major with the closure a precautionary measure until a more detailed inspection of it can be made tomorrow.

The decision to close the bridges overnight has been made because it would be to difficult to detect any further scouring when it is dark. River flows at the bridges are very low at the moment.

Mr Connors says the pier will be reassessed at 7am tomorrow with an expectation that the bridges will open shortly after that. A decision on whether further night time closures of the bridges are necessary will be made once the pier and its piles have been fully assessed.

Emergency services have been notified, and will be making alternative access arrangements in the event of an emergency.