Community Unites For Celebrate Safer Napier Day
Safety will be the name of the day on Saturday, November 19, as Napier City Council hosts Celebrate Safer Napier, a safety open day at Anderson Park.
Emergency services, Civil Defence and more than 20 community organisations including Plunket, SPCA, Swimming NZ, Coastguard and Neighbourhood Support have got onboard to provide a one-stop-shop for all things safety.
Napier Mayor Barbara Arnott says she is impressed that so many organisations have come together to take part in the community safety day.
“Celebrate Safer Napier will be fun as well as informative,” Mrs Arnott says.
“There will be important information about keeping our youth safe, Civil Defence and Emergency Management, water, home and road safety as well as loads of giveaways and fun activities for the kids.”
Celebrate Safer Napier also doubles as a celebration of Napier City Council’s ‘International Safe Community’ accreditation, under the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre.
The recently acquired status means the Council has a coordinated focus with key stakeholders involved in community safety, crime reduction, injury prevention and healthy well being across the city.
“This event is the icing on the cake to show locals and visitors alike that we promote a safe and healthy city to work, live and play.”
Celebrate Safer Napier will be held on the York Avenue side of Anderson Park from 10am until 2pm. Food and beverages will be available.
In the event of wet weather, it will be cancelled.