International Advertising Dollars Give NZ Tourism Much Needed Boost

Sunday 13 November 2011, 8:23AM

By Impact PR


Fujifilm F500 TVC
Fujifilm F500 TVC Credit: Impact PR

Tourism has been given a timely boost with the production of an international television commercial, filmed here and screened to a global audience of millions.

The commercial, for Japanese camera manufacturer Fujifilm, features panoramic shots of Queenstown and is currently on air in more than 26 countries.

The new advertisement was filmed at Queenstown’s historic Kawarau Bridge, where the world’s first commercial bungy jump 43 metres above the Kawarau River was completed, and Skippers Canyon Bridge, once home to one of the world’s most famous bungy sites 71 metres above the Shotover River.

Filmed in New Zealand earlier this year, the commercial has also bolstered the local economy with a production budget of more than $2 million and is expected to continue to benefit the country’s tourism industry thanks to an extensive international campaign.

The General Manager of Fujifilm NZ Stephen Hodson says the new TVC will also be streamed online to global markets and stills from the shoot will be used in product brochures for the company’s new range.

“The commercial has been translated into more than 20 languages and highlights some of the best scenery and activities that New Zealand has to offer. Our unique landscape lends itself particularly well to showcasing the capabilities of the new Fujifilm F500 Series camera for capturing beautiful images,” says Hodson.

Destination Queenstown Chief Executive Tony Everitt says the commercial is fantastic profile for Queenstown and its adventure tourism.

“We’re delighted Fujifilm chose to film here. Showcasing Queenstown’s scenery and one of our world-famous adventure experiences in their commercial will give us invaluable global exposure.

“To be recognized worldwide as an iconic visitor destination and film location is a strong endorsement of our region’s tourism industry.”

The TVC is currently screening in the United States, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Thailand, Mexico and Brazil plus a host of European nations such as the United Kingdom, Poland, France, Spain, Italy and Germany.