Biosecurity does matter

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Wednesday 16 November 2011, 4:21PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers welcomes commitments from the Labour Party on biosecurity and commends the Party for agreeing with the Federation’s 2011 Manifesto.

“Federated Farmers naturally welcomes more resources for biosecurity and a specific commitment to bees,” says Dr William Rolleston, Federated Farmers Vice-President and biosecurity spokesperson.

“While there will be areas of disagreement, the policy seems to mirror much of what is in Federated Farmers Manifesto. That is a positive.

“Biosecurity agencies must be accountable for balancing trade facilitation and keeping pests and diseases out of New Zealand. Our colleagues in Federated Farmers Bee Industry Group will welcome recognition of their needs, given bees underpin much of our farm system.

“What isn’t clear from Labour’s policy, is the need for greater biosecurity emphasis on offshore pre-border clearance. Containers, cars and food products, should be treated and inspected before they arrive here.

“We also feel new technologies at the border can in fact be positive, as long as they are thoroughly tested and do not increase the risk of a new incursion.

“It is positive the Party recognises biosecurity isn’t only a Government function. As we pointed out in our Manifesto, biosecurity needs genuine engagement with land users and the public too. The most efficient way to improve biosecurity is to improve partnerships with those working the land. We are the frontline eyes and ears.

“Federated Farmers would like to see the Party’s overall funding model for biosecurity.

“While current proposals for Government Industry Agreements (GIAs) offer potential for greater collaboration, they must not, in our view, transfer costs from government to the primary sector.

“Biosecurity has been socialised because export returns benefit society as a whole.

“We feel importers and tourists need to be included in the funding mix and Didymo’s introduction highlights this. We welcome the Party’s policy that would bring importers and we hope, tourists, into the funding model,” Dr Rolleston concluded.

What Federated Farmers wants for Biosecurity:

  • Government to assess how exacerbators, i.e. importers and tourists, can assist in the funding readiness and incursion response
  • Greater implementation of pre-border measures to keep biosecurity risks out of New Zealand
  • Robust and scientifically justified import health standard process
  • Changes to biosecurity implementation must be scientifically justified
  • Government to work in partnership with primary industry groups to ensure that biosecurity processes are equitable
  • Government to reassess the Government Industry Agreement process and the formation of the Deed of Agreement for readiness and response
  • Establishment of a full-time independent review panel to act as a watch dog on biosecurity decision-making processes.

What Federated Farmers wants for Bees:

  • Recognition of the value of bees to New Zealand as a whole to the country and economy
  • Management plans to deal with bee pests not currently in New Zealand
  • On-going financial support to be made available to the bee industry for the continuation of surveillance, education and bee research.