Greens appeal to police to show more respect

Green Party

Thursday 18 October 2007, 1:40PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is shocked by stories of police heavy handedness when executing search warrants under the Terrorism Suppression Act.

“Just this morning we see a pensioner in Tauranga describing feeling violated after police raided his house while he was absent and left behind a smashed window, a broken door catch, mud and a trashed linen cupboard and shed.

“Surely police should repair the damage they caused, especially as he was not charged with anything?

“Police have gone over-the-top in several raids, unnecessarily offending many people,” said Mr Locke, the Party’s Human Rights Spokesperson.

“Tuhoe people are very upset at the excessive display of force in their community. The raids have often left a mess and smashed windows, with little apparent thought of an apology or rectification.”

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says she was shocked to hear that police had raided the Taupo home of Eco-Show organisers Jo Pearsal and Bryan Innes.

“These are law-abiding, respected people, who have had their lives and businesses disrupted by the seizure of computer equipment.

“It is hard to see how disrupting a workshop on yeast-free bread-baking and seizing the underwear of the organisers of the very popular Eco Show, under the Terrorism Suppression Act, is contributing to protecting the New Zealand public.”

No charges were laid as a result of the search.

“The Greens appeal to the police to be more respectful of citizen rights in their efforts to gather more evidence on the arms possession cases currently before the Courts,” Ms Fitzsimons says.