Innovation needed in the state sector

Labour Party

Thursday 17 November 2011, 5:47PM

By Labour Party


Rebuilding front line services is vital to ensure an effective, innovative and efficient state sector that works for all New Zealanders, Labour’s State Services spokesperson Ruth Dyson said.

Releasing Labour’s State Services policy today Ruth Dyson said Labour is committed to rebuilding frontline services which have been systematically run down under National.

“Labour will ensure that the public service core capacity is rebuilt to allow it to do the job it needs to with quality, with resources, and in collaboration with the wider community.

“We will also put a halt to the excessive salaries paid to some state sector bosses. When the rest of the public service is facing cut-backs and wage freezes chief executives have been enjoying record payouts.

“Stripping away ‘backroom’ or other capability while offering chief executives record pay-outs is irresponsible. Under Labour no public service chief executive will be paid more than the base salary for the Prime Minister. Labour won’t cut existing salaries, but we will introduce a cap on new salaries at the top,” Ruth Dyson said.

“The importance of public services being flexible, innovative and engaged with the community was highlighted by the Canterbury earthquakes. While agencies stepped up to the challenge, some failings were obvious. One of those was that the public service currently operates in a series of silos which don’t always meet the complex needs of individuals, businesses and families

“Labour will endeavour to break down these silos, undertaking a review of legislative frameworks (State Sector Act and aspects of Public Finance Act) including provisions for ICT systems to be better integrated, with the aim of enhancing collaboration and community engagement across the public sector.

“Many agencies are not pursuing a clear set of goals, or when presented with challenges are inflexible. Labour will develop core government goals by geographical and population groups to help bring the frontline focus back into all levels of public sector operations.

“We need to create an environment in the public sector where public servants feel confident and inspired to offer new ideas. Part of this is ensuring public servants have career path development within and across agencies.

“Feedback between frontline and policy staff must also be fostered so innovation can be driven by real experience.

“A high quality public service is a vital foundation for the on-going economic, social and cultural development of New Zealand. To build dynamic, effective and efficient public services, government must look beyond short-sighted cost cutting and foster innovation,” Ruth Dyson said.