John Key's brinksmanship over 'Cuppagate' spirals out of control

Labour Party

Thursday 17 November 2011, 5:58PM

By Labour Party


Police have more important things to do than waste time serving media outlets with search warrants for information on last week’s cup of tea media stunt, Labour’s campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson says.

Media are reporting that four media outlets including RNZ and TVNZ have been told by police they will be served with search warrants for unpublished material relating to interviews with Bradley Ambrose, the cameraman responsible for the ‘Cuppagate’ tape.

“This is a complete waste of police time and resources,” Grant Robertson said.

“Only yesterday, National’s police spokesperson Judith Collins was telling the police association that money was tight and law and order resources would have to be prioritised.

“John Key’s game of brinksmanship with the media has got out of hand.

“He claims it is a distraction, and wants to talk about ‘issues that matter to New Zealanders’ such as the economy. There is one sure way for this to happen, and that is for John Key and John Banks to front up about what they said.

“John Key has politicised the police in the middle of an election campaign.

“John Key’s claim that the police action has nothing to do with him is ridiculous. It is all to do with him.

“He should stop the game right now by dropping his complaint to the police and fronting up to New Zealanders about what he said to John Banks,” Grant Robertson said