Mobile Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for your business

Friday 18 November 2011, 4:37PM

By Palladium Technology


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Palladium Technology logo Credit: Palladium Technology

Consumer electronics such as mobile smartphones and tablets are invading the office and are indisputably here to stay. On your way to work this morning you probably noticed several people with their heads buried in the incandescent glow of a mobile device. Our society is becoming accustomed to a lifestyle of instant access to information on our friends and family, however more often than not the office is lacking in this department.

In today’s rapid paced business environment, ease of access to information anywhere and anytime outside the office is not only vital, but it is also expected. Companies able to react the quickest and embrace new productivity enhancing tools will gain the edge in their competitive market. People are increasingly placing more reliance and trust in their devices and the market is enticed with new offerings by Apple, Blackberry, Nokia and Samsung. As these companies wet our appetite with products based around touch technology and lighter, smaller designs software companies are providing business specific functions to compliment the mobility and ease of use.

Potential Advantages for your Business are a Goldmine

Business software such as mobile CRM enables greater communication, decision making and customer interaction from your mobile workforce. Previously, organisations have been very effective in creating a systematic stream of information in the back office. However, organisations lacked the ability to link this information with their sales team on the front line who spend the majority of their time out of the office. By employing mobile CRM, companies now have the ability to truly leverage their current CRM software. Employees have the flexibility to work outside the office, and retain access to critical customer and contact information, forecasted sales and daily calendar activities. Employees can travel directly to appointments while updating and receiving new appointments and service cases on the road. As a result, staff are able to continue their customer engagement efforts that help drive better customer relationships and increase customer satisfaction. Improvements in sales team collaboration mean an increase in sales productivity and effectiveness, increased retention rates and job satisfaction.

FrontRange solutions recently released their newest CRM edition, Goldmine Mobile CRM, which runs on ever popular Apple iOS mobile devices, including the iPhone and iPad. One core feature of this release is the real‐time instant wireless connection to central CRM data stored in Goldmine Premium Edition. While out of the office, mobile users are able to browse and edit client information with the touch of a button. Goldmine Mobile CRM builds on the Apple iOS to provide a rich user interface, designed to have the same appearance and functionality of a typical smartphone application. With touchscreen gestures supported, the UI has an intuitive feel to it, allowing the user to quickly become familiar with the application.

To view the benefits and functionality offered by GoldMine Mobile Edition 9.0, please visit‐crm/


About Palladium Technology

As a market leader in CRM software, Goldmine is used in over 130,000 companies by 1.6 million users. Local representative Palladium Technology is a premier partner of FrontRange with offices in Auckland and Sydney. Palladium has over 20 years’ experience in supplying sound and reliable ERP and CRM software business solutions. For more information or to schedule a demonstration, please contact Palladium Technology on (09) 377 2832 for New Zealand or (02) 9380 6220 for Australia.