Renowned award-winning British UK zoologist and television presenter in Akaroa


Friday 18 November 2011, 4:59PM

By enthuse


New Zealand’s endangered “small five” have brought renowned award-winning British UK zoologist, television presenter and conservation consultant Mark Carwardine to Akaroa tomorrow as part of a two week self drive trip around the country.

The active and outspoken conservationist and award-winning writer has been brought to New Zealand by Tourism New Zealand and Discover the World to research New Zealand’s Kiwis, Tuataras, Keas, Hector’s dolphins and Yellow Eyed penguins, and tomorrow will spend time with Black Cat Cruises in Akaroa.

“It a great opportunity for our staff to meet someone with such knowledge and understanding of the marine environment and its challenges,” Black Cat Cruises Managing Director Paul Bingham said.

“He is spending two days with us on cruises and swimming with the dolphins trips. The importance that Hector dolphins get more protection, especially their own marine mammal sanctuary, will be discussed.”

Bingham said anything that highlights how rare and endangered Hector’s Dolphins were was important.

“One dolphin lost whether by accident or not is too many. Last week a Dusky dolphin was drowned in a net in Otago Harbour.”

Bingham said Carwardine was writing for BBC Wildlife Magazine, Wanderlust Magazine and the travel section of The Telegraph while in New Zealand, so it was a great opportunity for some good coverage for New Zealand, Akaroa and the country’s small five, Kiwis, Tuataras, Keas, Hector’s dolphins and Yellow Eyed penguins.

Mark Carwardine’s trip to and around New Zealand comes courtesy of Tourism New Zealand and Discover the World, with the support of a number of regional and local tourism operators.
It is part of Tourism New Zealand’s work to inspire others to visit the country, through the publication of Mark’s own New Zealand 100% Pure experiences.

His trip is built around the unique wildlife experiences available to visitors, and promoting New Zealand as the destination of choice for nature lovers.