Possible Harbour Bridge toll unfair to North Shore

Labour Party

Friday 18 November 2011, 11:40PM

By Labour Party


Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford says he is concerned that the possibility of simultaneous tolls on the existing Harbour Bridge as well as on a second Harbour crossing will unfairly impact on North Shore residents.

Phil Twyford says a cabinet document released by the National Government allows for simultaneous tolls to be placed on both harbour crossings in order to fund the proposed second harbour crossing.

“This only came out in the last days of Parliament, and has been kept from the people who will be most affected, and who will be alarmed by the proposal.

“Tolling one existing piece of vital Auckland infrastructure is not the right approach. This would unfairly target North Shore residents and force them to shoulder the load of paying for a second harbour crossing,” Phil Twyford said. “The free alternative --- right round the harbour --- is hardly practical for people commuting from Devonport or Bayswater, for example.

“National has kept this proposal quiet because it is well aware of the economic ramifications it would have on the people of the North Shore. These tolls could effectively amount to being a new tax on the people of the North Shore. That’s simply not fair.

“A major concern is Transport Minister Steven Joyce’s proposed change to the statutory tests required before tolling is put in place,” Phil Twyford said. “Currently there must be community consultation, but he wants it to be enough for the Minister to be satisfied with the level of public support. Essentially this means that community voices will not be listened to on the issue of tolls, and he can put tolls on roads with limited or no public consultation.

“Labour believes that local communities must have a say in the future of local infrastructure that affects them. The Harbour Bridge is not just a piece of local infrastructure but a major asset to the entire region and an important piece of State Highway One. Any changes to this piece of infrastructure, including charging, must be consulted upon.

"We support Mayor Len Brown’s proposed approach to finding alternative means to funding transport in Auckland. However, this will go through the proper consultation processes with the wider Auckland public.

“We need to work together in Auckland to find a solution that works. This is another example of Steven Joyce forcing Aucklanders to do what he wants rather than doing what’s right for the people of Auckland,” Phil Twyford said.