Mount Cardrona Station Plan Change Adopted
The Queenstown Lakes District Council today adopted Plan Change 18 Mount Cardrona Station which will now be operative from next week.
The ratification followed a recent Environment Court decision which upheld the Council’s rezoning of the 131 hectare zone.
QLDC senior policy analyst Ralph Henderson said the plan change came about as the direct result of community feedback.
“In 2003, a workshop involving the Cardrona community identified that the development of an existing 17 hectare zone at the base of the Cardrona ski area could create some significant negative effects.”
At the time the zoning of the land was such that it could be developed with no minimum lot size and buildings up to 12 metres in height.
Council approached the landowner, Mount Cardrona Station late in 2005 with the idea of initiating a Plan Change and had worked closely with them to resolve the issue.
The plan change provided for a range of future development opportunities including residential, commercial and visitor activities. Large areas of open space and a network of trails were also incorporated in the development proposal.
Chris Morton, a director of landowner Mount Cardrona Station said the plan change was the result of co-operation with the Council and the Cardrona Residents and Ratepayers Association over many years and that the partnerships formed had contributed greatly to the outcome.