District's Heritage Management Open for Public Feedback

New Plymouth District Council

Wednesday 23 November 2011, 1:43PM

By New Plymouth District Council



From tomorrow (Wednesday) the public can have their say on how heritage is managed in New Plymouth District.

The Council’s Policy Committee tonight gave approval for a heritage strategy discussion document to be released to the public for their feedback.

“Heritage is a key part of our identity so it’s important that the public help shape our final strategy,” says Manager Corporate Strategy and Policy Maureen Crombie.

“The strategy will cover built heritage, natural heritage and cultural heritage, and will spell out the Council’s role and services in managing them for the benefit of current and future generations.”

People can have their say online via, or pick up the discussion document and feedback form from Council offices. The consultation closes on 22 December.

The discussion document covers a wide range of heritage issues for the public to consider.

The built heritage section ranges from heritage buildings, earthquake strengthening and cemeteries through to urban viewshafts and areas with heritage character.

Natural heritage includes trees, significant natural areas, Pukekura Park and waterways.

Cultural heritage covers archaeological and waahi tapu sites, the collections at Puke Ariki and the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and heritage trails.

“There are many more topics within each of these three sections, along with specific questions that we’d like feedback on,” says Mrs Crombie.