Countdown To Surf Life Saving's National Jandal Day Appeal

Wednesday 23 November 2011, 4:07PM

By Surf Life Saving New Zealand


National Jandal Day campaign
National Jandal Day campaign Credit: Surf Life Saving New Zealand
Surf Lifeguards collecting for National Jandal Day.
Surf Lifeguards collecting for National Jandal Day. Credit: Surf Life Saving New Zealand

New Zealanders are being encouraged to kick off the high-heels, smart work shoes and strappy sandals and throw on a pair of jandals to support Surf Life Saving’s National Jandal Day on Friday 2 December.

The count down is on for Surf Life Saving’s national appeal day, which is proudly supported by State. Thousands of surf lifeguards across the country will be standing on street corners, shaking buckets and collecting much needed donations to help lifeguards save more lives on New Zealand’s beaches this summer.

Brett Sullivan, GM of Programmes and Services for SLSNZ said that the organisation received limited funding from central Government and relied on funding from grants, corporate sponsorship, The NZ Lottery Grants Board and donations from the public.

“It is crucial we raise as much money as possible this National Jandal Day. Donations we receive will go to Surf Life Saving clubs throughout New Zealand allowing us to train more lifeguards, increase patrols and buy essential equipment to help us save lives and prevent injuries.

Continues Brett, “For Kiwis, our beaches are our favourite playground, yet we have almost double the drowning rate of Australia. Drowning is the third highest cause of unintentional death in New Zealand. The service that Surf Life Saving provides touches thousands of ordinary Kiwis every year. As a charity we rely on the big-hearted support of the public. Please donate generously.

Each summer over 3800 dedicated volunteer lifeguards give up their summer to protect New Zealanders. Last season surf lifeguards prevented over 1300 people from drowning on our beaches.

Anyone can be part of National Jandal Day 2011, whether you are a school, business or community group. Register today at