Gorge Road Upgrade Set To Continue

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Friday 25 November 2011, 2:39PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The $1.6 million upgrade of the final section of Gorge Road is set to get underway next week, Queenstown Lakes District Council project manager Lane Vermaas said.

The completion of the three-year project involves the upgrade of Gorge Road from the Watties Track intersection (just beyond Industrial Place) to the McChesney Road intersection at Arthurs Point. A further feature is the widening of McChesney Bridge located over McChesney Creek.

“The upgrade of the road and the widening of McChesney Bridge, are part of wider improvements to the length of Gorge Road between Queenstown and Arthurs Point. The project improves safety for motorists and cyclists, with the benefit of reducing waiting times associated with queuing on either side of the bridge,” Mr Vermaas said.

Two bus stops on the East and West side of Gorge Road near where the old Arthurs Point Pub used to be will also be constructed.

“Council contractors will endeavour to keep interruptions to a minimum and will ensure one-lane traffic remains open wherever possible but we will need to call on driver patience,” Mr Vermaas said.

The intended program of work begins next week with earth works to the south of McChesney Bridge, which will continue to 23 December.

“We will then put all work on hold for the peak season and recommence on January 15 with the road upgrade, which will take us through until June,” Mr Vermaas said.
The bridge widening project would get underway from February in conjunction with the upgrade, with completion of the two-lane bridge planned for July 2012.

“It’s a big program of work with a great end result,” Mr Vermaas said.