Capturing the learning points from the Christchurch earthquakes

Christchurch City Council

Friday 25 November 2011, 5:03PM

By Christchurch City Council



Christchurch City Council staff will use the findings of a report it commissioned on its earthquake response to improve its Emergency Management systems and processes.

The Council commissioned an independent consultant to capture local learnings from the response to the earthquakes, primarily after 22 February. These findings will be used to improve response procedures and arrangements, Murray Sinclair, the Council’s Manager Civil Defence and Emergency Management, says.

“The focus was to identify the strengths and many positives from the emergency response phase as well as opportunities for the future as part of a continuous improvement process.”

Mr Sinclair says the findings are based on information collected through an electronic survey to selected Council staff and external agencies involved in the emergency response phase, interviews with people heavily involved in the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) and a review of debriefs.

“The report findings highlight the speed at which the EOC was up and running and also the fact that important decisions were made in a timely manner,” Mr Sinclair says.

"Many lessons have been learned and are already being implemented with senior management and staff ensuring any issues with systems and processes are improved.”