Labour Party Makes Late Surge in New Zealand's Largest Pre-Election Poll

Impact PR

Friday 25 November 2011, 10:36PM

By Impact PR


The Labour Party has managed to gain ground in the final week of Muffin Break’s Bean Poll – and its good fortune appears to be at the expense of the minor parties.

With 59,190 votes cast in the four weeks since the pre-election poll kicked off on October 29, the Labour Party has gained 2% this week and now has 30% of the total coffee beans cast.

While the National Party and Green Party remain unchanged on 43% and 14% respectively, Labour’s late surge appears to have cost the minor parties.

The ACT Party has dropped 1% to 5% and is back sitting on the threshold needed to have a place in Parliament if it doesn’t win any electorate seats. Votes for other parties have also dropped back from 9% to 8%.

If the results of tomorrow’s general election mirror the results of the Bean Poll, the minor parties could still make all the difference when it comes to forming a government. National and ACT combined still don’t have 50% of the vote, and neither do Labour and the Greens.

With the Bean Poll now over for another election, Muffin Break General Manager Garry Croft says he’s delighted so many people have once again got behind the poll and taken the time to vote.

“We’re looking forward to tomorrow night to see if once again the Bean Poll is as accurate as it has been in the past three general elections,” he says.

“And while voting in the Bean Poll has now wound up, we are encouraging all New Zealanders over the age of 18 to get out and cast their official vote tomorrow.”

The Muffin Break Bean Poll has seen people voting with a coffee bean for their preferred party at the muffin chain’s 36 stores throughout New Zealand. For the first time this year, participants have also been able to vote online.

For more information on the Muffin Break Bean Poll visit or the Facebook page here.