National goes silent on three critical policies

Labour Party

Friday 25 November 2011, 10:40PM

By Labour Party


National has left out from its election policies three core policy promises that featured in their last election campaign, raising questions about their commitment to critical policy in health, housing and education, says Labour’s Campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson.

“Maybe there is nothing sinister in National’s silence, but the three policy pledges --- in the absolutely fundamental areas of health, education and housing ---- all cut significantly to issues that impact on the cost of living and poverty, as well as the general well-being of Kiwis,” Grant Robertson said.

Grant Robertson said the three policy commitments are:

Health --- maintain subsidies for GP visits and keep the cap on GP fees.
Tertiary Education ---- retain restrictions on the amount by which institutions are able to annually increase fees for publicly-funded courses.
Housing ---- keep income-related rents for state house tenants.

“If National backtracks on any one of these three policy commitments --- let alone all three --- it will have a significant adverse impact on thousands of Kiwis and their families,” Grant Robertson said.

“These are the most important missing promises that National has not renewed in the run-up to the election.

“The mere fact that they haven’t done so creates an implication that they are not to the forefront of National’s priorities, but they are all issues that are front and centre for struggling Kiwis.

“I hope the silence means nothing, but given the priority National has given to tax cuts that have favoured the wealthy, it really does call into question their commitment to these policies.

“Labour is committed to make going to the doctor more affordable, to capping tuition fee rises and to guaranteeing income-related rents.”