Labour's campaign keeps the issues centre-stage

Labour Party

Friday 25 November 2011, 10:43PM

By Labour Party


Labour will keep the campaign pressure up till the last possible minute, to fight for a future for all Kiwis, Labour’s campaign spokesperson Grant Robertson says.

“Phil Goff, MPs, candidates, supporters and activists are maintaining a relentless focus on ensuring Labour’s bold plan for the future is seen and understood by the electorate,” Grant Robertson said.

“This election, we are fighting passionately for causes we believe in, for a fairer New Zealand and a future we can own.

“We believe strongly that the sale of our assets will leave New Zealand poorer and vulnerable to future economic shocks.

“That’s why we have campaigned so hard fighting to keep them owned by all of us, and will spend the remaining hours continuing that fight on behalf of the vast majority of Kiwis who don’t want them sold.

“It is not too late to send a message to John Key that his programme of asset sales is not welcome.

“Right around the country, Labour is fighting this election with a positive vision for the future.

“There is a lot at stake.

“Our platform is an inclusive one and tackles the issues that matter.

“Like most New Zealanders, we know tough decisions need to be made to get our country back onto a sustainable path.

“Selling everything that is not bolted down and unleashing an austerity package that will needlessly hurt low and middle income earners is not the right way to do it.

“Labour will:

  • Pay off debt as quickly as National;
  • Keep our assets in New Zealand ownership;
  • Make superannuation sustainable;
  • Grow the economy and jobs by working with industries;
  • Ease the cost of living pressure on families;
  • Be serious about tackling the growing poverty in New Zealand.


“If New Zealanders want to own their future they should give two ticks to Labour tomorrow,” Grant Robertson said.