Fund continues to support vital community services

Wednesday 30 November 2011, 2:03PM

By Paula Bennett


Over $4.5 million of funding has been provided to 121 community organisations in the eighth round of the Community Response Fund.

“This funding recognises the important role local social services play in the health and well being of their communities,” says Ms Bennett.

The Community Response Fund was established in 2009 and extended until mid-2012 to help community groups struggling with extra demand as a result of the recession.

The Fund has now provided $66.8 million to 1434 organisations.

“We’ve listened to organisations still coping with increased demand and financial pressures and have continued to back them,” says Ms Bennett.

Applications for Round Eight came from youth services, budgeting, family support and family violence services.

In this round 48 regional community social services received funding of $50,000. Among these were the Manukau Youth Development Trust, Henderson Budget Service and Palmerston North Women's Refuge.

Applications for Round Nine of the Fund will be open from 1 December 2011 until 24 February 2012.

A list of successful grant recipients for Round Eight is available on: