Auckland Chamber of Commerce calls on Maritime Union to withdraw strike action

Auckland Chamber of Commerce

Wednesday 30 November 2011, 10:26PM

By Auckland Chamber of Commerce


The strike action on Auckland’s waterfront due to start tomorrow (Thursday, 1 December 10.30am) is already starting to cost business and disrupt pre-Christmas planning at the worst possible time, warns Auckland Chamber of Commerce head Michael Barnett.

Urging the maritime union to withdraw the action and ensure the port remains open, Mr Barnett said feedback from members showed deep concern that vital pre-Christmas import and export orders could be delayed.

“Going on strike just before Christmas is old-economy tactics and doing nothing more than holding the Port’s business customers to ransom.”

He commended the Ports of Auckland and Port of Tauranga for burying their differences to agree to work together with KiwiRail to minimise the disruption to as many customers as possible.

However, this strike is the last thing Auckland business needs after another hard year, said Mr Barnett. “The port is Auckland’s economic lifeline; undermine the certainty of the port is the same as undermining the Auckland economy.”

“This is the wrong time for the waterfront union to be withdrawing services and resisting flexible working arrangements, especially as the facts indicate pay and conditions on the waterfront are generous by NZ standards.”