Strong interest in local water issues

Environment Canterbury

Wednesday 30 November 2011, 10:47PM

By Environment Canterbury


Over the last two weeks more than 60 people attended three community meetings to provide their ideas on the Upper Waitaki Zone Committee’s priorities for water management.

Participants were asked to share their experiences and knowledge, and provide feedback on the issues facing the region’s water resource.

Upper Waitaki Zone Committee Chair Barry Shepherd said they were very pleased with the turn-out.

“The Upper Waitaki Zone Committee has been working hard to understand water management issues in our zone so we were very happy with the turnout at the meetings. It shows the importance locals place on our precious resource and their willingness to help us develop solutions.

“Participants came from many different organisations and backgrounds and represented a wide range of interests. This ensured we gathered a diverse range of feedback on our water management priorities – giving us lots to think about as we develop our water management programme for the zone over the next few weeks,” he said.

The committee’s priorities for water management will guide its draft Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP). The draft ZIP will recommend the actions, responsibilities and time-frames for activities to achieve the principles, targets and goals set out in the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS).

The committee has established nine priority areas which come under three broad areas; water quality, supply and nutrient management; biodiversity and braided rivers; and prosperity.

Once developed, the community will also have an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft ZIP before it is submitted to councils. The committee expects to be calling for feedback on its draft ZIP in early 2012.

Barry Shepherd said some common themes were apparent at the public feedback meetings.

“How we manage water has an influence on our quality of life and prosperity both now and for future generations. There are so many different viewpoints and opinions that have to be taken into consideration when it comes to something as important as water.

“Common themes meeting participants raised included the benefits of water storage, preserving the quality of water in the zone, the importance of water to the region’s tourism and economy, and maintaining biodiversity through preserving wetlands and other natural habitats.

“The requirement of more scientific information in the zone was also a common point raised. Until we have more information specific to our zone we are considering whether a staged approach to irrigation along with audited self management would be appropriate to allow time to address the range of economic, environmental and social targets set by the CWMS.

“We simply have to get water management right. We have only one chance as the decisions we make now will affect water management for the foreseeable future. We are truly grateful to everyone who attended these meetings and encourage others to take the opportunity to have a say in local issues,” said Barry Shepherd.

The Upper Waitaki Zone is a joint committee of Environment Canterbury and the Waitaki and Mackenzie District councils. The zone covers the entire Waitaki catchment above the Waitaki dam.

The next zone committee meeting is in Tekapo on 1 December. At the meeting the focus will be discussing community and stakeholder feedback on water priority areas for the zone and working on a draft ZIP. Committee meetings are open to members of the public.

December Zone Committee meeting information

Upper Waitaki Zone Committee meeting
Thursday, 1 December 2011 at 2pm
Godley Resort Hotel, Tekapo

Read the agenda (1.9 MB)