Taranaki pioneers biodiversity pact
Taranaki is breaking new ground nationally with a formal accord uniting the champions of the region’s native plants and wildlife.
A draft Taranaki Biodiversity Accord, which has been developed by a broad range of voluntary groups and agencies, was discussed yesterday (30 November) at the region’s fifth Biodiversity Forum.
Under the accord, the groups will work together to co-ordinate efforts on agreed priorities for the protection and enhancement of Taranaki’s indigenous biodiversity, pooling resources where possible.
“As far as we’re aware, this is the first such regional accord in New Zealand, and we’re really excited about it,” says Kara Prankerd of the Rotakare Scenic Reserve Trust, who facilitated yesterday’s Forum meeting at the Taranaki Regional Council chambers in Stratford.
“This is an accord that’s by, for and between the people who are doing the work on the ground to protect and enhance native flora and fauna in Taranaki.”
Besides the Rotokare Trust, initial participants in the accord are:
- Taranaki Kiwi Trust
- East Taranaki Environment Trust
- Royal Forest and Bird Society
- Taranaki Tree Trust
- Fish and Game
- QEII National Trust
- Department of Conservation
- Federated Farmers
- New Plymouth District Council
- South Taranaki District Council
- Stratford District Council
- Taranaki Regional Council
Representatives of the groups expressed support for the draft accord at yesterday’s forum. Their feedback will be incorporated into a final version which will be taken back to individual organisations and agencies for endorsement.
The Taranaki Regional Council’s Director-Operations, Rob Phillips, says the accord is a tremendous achievement for Taranaki and will lead to greater enhancement and protection of the region’s biodiversity.
“It’s intended to be a live document, and we look forward to other organisations and projects being involved in it,” he says.