University of Canterbury announces appointment of new Chancellor and Pro Chancellor

University of Canterbury

Friday 2 December 2011, 5:13PM

By University of Canterbury



The University of Canterbury has announced the appointment of current Pro Chancellor and former New Zealand ambassador to the United States Dr John Wood (QSO) as its next Chancellor, effective January 2012.

Dr Wood, who is himself a University of Canterbury alumnus, has been Pro (Deputy) Chancellor of the University since 2008, the same year that he was made a Companion of the Queen Service Order for Public Service.

Dr Wood was born in Kaikoura and gained a BA Hons and MA Hons from the University of Canterbury before being awarded a BA Hons in Politics, Philosophy and Economics and later an MA Hons from Balliol College, Oxford. In 2006, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Canterbury Council.

Dr Wood had a distinguished career in diplomatic service taking up Ambassador-level appointments to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and twice to Washington DC. He was also New Zealand’s principal external trade and economic advisor and negotiator under successive governments. He is Chief Crown Negotiator for Ngai Tuhoe and for the Whanganui River negotiations.

In 2004 Dr Wood was awarded the Eugene Crawford Memorial Peace Pipe Award for service to Indigenous People, by Americans for Indian Opportunity. The following year he was named a Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.

Dr Wood’s service to the governance of the University of Canterbury began in 2007 when he was elected to the University Council by the Court of Convocation in 2007. He was elected Pro Chancellor for the first time in 2008. In 2010 Dr Wood was re-elected to the University Council and re-elected as the University’s Pro Chancellor.

Principal of Christchurch Boys High School Mr Trevor McIntyre has been appointed to replace Dr Wood as Pro Chancellor. Mr McIntyre is a University of Canterbury alumnus who was elected to the University Council by Court of Convocation this year. Mr McIntyre will take up the position of Pro Chancellor from January next year.

“I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Rex Williams who has served so ably as Chancellor since 2009,” said University of Canterbury Vice-Chancellor Dr Rod Carr. “Among other areas of leadership, Rex has taken a keen interest in ensuring that our approach to health and safety has been continually updated. This has been particularly important during this year of earthquakes and recovery.”

Mr Williams will be remaining on the UC Council.