Have A Merry Christmas - Without The Stuffing - Using Healthy Lifestyle Advice From Jenny Craig

Monday 5 December 2011, 2:14PM

By PPR New Zealand


It can be so hard to avoid weight gain over the festive season! To help you look and feel your best this summer, Jenny Craig consultant Natalie Russell shares some easy tips for successful weight management through December and into the New Year.


  • When hosting a Christmas party, swap high kilojoule finger food for lighter alternatives such as rice paper rolls, fruit and raw vegetable strips with low fat yoghurt and vegetable dips.
  • Not the party organiser? Offer to bring a nutritious party platter to provide a healthy alternative for party goers. You’ll take pressure off the host and your waistline!
  • Looking for a quick and easy low fat dessert? Enjoy a bowl of your favourite seasonal fruits with low fat yoghurt. Frozen bananas, sorbets and diet jellies are also fabulous for a sweet treat that’s low in kilojoules.
  • Alcohol is high in kilojoules and something difficult to avoid during the festive season. Limit your alcohol intake by drinking a glass of water between each beverage or mix up a wine spritzer by filling half your glass with wine and the remaining half with soda water.
  • For an alternative to alcohol, try creating a low kilojoule drink by having a glass of sparkling mineral water and adding a twist of fresh lemon or lime.
  • Be informed. If you cant say no to a drink, check out the table below for the best options.

Beverage                                           Amount                    Kilojoules

Wine                                                    150mL                      420

Wine spritzer (half wine, half soda)      150mL                      210

Beer                                                     375mL                      590

Light Beer                                            375mL                      400

Distilled spirit                                          30mL                      270



  • Use Christmas shopping as an excuse to exercise. Walking around the mall for two hours will leave you with plenty of gift ideas and make you feel great too! Why not squeeze in an extra lap of the mall while you are there?
  • Take time to enjoy the warm weather after your Christmas day meal, play a family game of cricket or rugby in the backyard, you’ll be burning off that Christmas pudding and bonding with your loved ones at the same time!
  • Don’t let the hot weather be an excuse not to exercise. Cool off with a swim at the local beach or pool, make the most of the air conditioning at your gym or pop on a fan at home while you do a DVD workout programme.


  • Be realistic about your weight loss goals around the festive season, plan around your schedule and make healthy eating and exercise a priority. Allow yourself at least 15 minutes each day for ‘you time’.
  • At parties and social events, spend time talking to other guests and enjoying socialising rather than seeking comfort from food. Remember that you shouldn’t feel forced to try all food offered to you.
  • There will be some challenging times during the holidays, but there will also be times when things go just as planned. Start each day with a positive affirmation, such as “Today I will celebrate all my successes”.