Public service cuts need scrutiny

Labour Party

Wednesday 7 December 2011, 5:12PM

By Labour Party


The inevitable trumpeting of huge financial savings that has accompanied news of further public service job cuts deserves scrutiny, Labour’s State Services spokesperson Ruth Dyson says.

“The last three years have seen increasing numbers of consultants being used by the Government to deliver the shortfalls caused by internal staff shortages. At the same time thousands of permanent public sector jobs - particularly in the provinces – have been lost.

“The result? Millions more spent on ‘experts’, hired to do exactly the same work as those who have been laid off, but at a greater cost,” Ruth Dyson said.

“Tony Ryall can’t deny the facts - consultants cost taxpayers more money.

“And everyone knows that if specialist services are required for any length of time, there comes a point at which it makes more financial sense to hire someone permanently.

“Merging various functions of four Government agencies to reduce duplication and improve efficiencies sounds fine in theory, but when it comes with a very pointed directive to save money, it does raise questions.

“The only way government departments have so far been able to meet the savage budget cuts wrought by National is by cutting front line services.

“If the indications from the incoming Government are anything to go by, then it seems it will be more of the same for the next three years,” Ruth Dyson said.