UC mobile phone 'app' helps people see the CBD as it used to be at Re:START

University of Canterbury

Thursday 8 December 2011, 2:39PM

By University of Canterbury


University of Canterbury developers of a mobile phone application that allows people to see the city as it was will be showing the ‘app’ to visitors to Re:START in Cashel Mall this weekend (10-11 December). ‘CityViewAR’ is an Augmented Reality (AR) application that allows people to see photos, text and 3D models of buildings as they used to be before the 4 September 2010 earthquake in Christchurch.

CityViewAR was created by staff and students of the HIT Lab NZ (the Human Interface Technology Laboratory) at the University of Canterbury and is a free application for Android phones and iPhones (3GS model or later). Visitors to Re:START on 10-11 December will be able to try the application on mobile phones and tablets supplied by Vodafone.

“Following the earthquakes, many buildings in the inner city have been demolished to make way for reconstruction,” said the HIT Lab NZ’s Director Professor Mark Billinghurst. “Even for people who have lived in Christchurch all their lives it is difficult to walk through the city and remember what buildings used to be there. Using CityViewAR people can see virtual 3D models of what buildings looked like pre-earthquake.”

Using an Android mobile phone or an iPhone, people can walk around the city and see life-sized virtual models of what the buildings looked like on site before they were demolished, and see pictures and written information with more details about the building. The application also has a map view showing where all the buildings are on a city map, and also a simple list view of all the available content. Hundreds of 3D models of key city buildings have been made available from architect Jason Mill of ZNO, while the Christchurch City Council and Historic Places Trust have provided photographs and building histories.

CityViewAR is based on the HIT Lab NZ’s Outdoor AR platform that uses the GPS and compass sensors of mobile phones to enable virtual information to be overlaid on live video of the real world. People who are not in Christchurch can still see the content as if they were there by using the application to send fake GPS data.

“Outdoor AR makes it easy for developers to build their own mobile AR applications. The software was previously used for showing individual buildings, but this is the first time that it has been used to show dozens of buildings at once, and the first time in the world that mobile phone AR has been used for earthquake reconstruction.

“Eventually the app will be developed so that users can add their own feedback on the buildings shown. This means that architects and urban planners can use the tool to get input from people about their designs.”

Professor Billinghurst said that there are many developments on the horizon that could be of use to city planners and personnel in emergency response situations. “Future work on the app will allow users to add their own feedback on the buildings shown, so architects and urban planners can use the tool to get input from people about their proposed designs. Additional historical data could be included to allow people to go back in time and see what used to be at locations 50 or 100 years ago.

“It is also anticipated that the system could be connected to more traditional GIS viewing software, to enable other data sets to be shown, such as utility information. Ongoing research could lead to a mobile AR platform that could be quickly deployed in response to a natural disaster and provide invaluable on-site information.”

The CityViewAR app can be downloaded free using QR codes on postcards that will be handed out at Re:START in Cashel Mall this weekend (10-11 December) between 10am and 4pm by Vodafone and University of Canterbury representatives.

The application can also be downloaded from the Android Market by searching for ‘CityViewAR’ or through the following link:

Go to for more information about CityViewAR and for instructions on how to download the app for Android and iPhone devices.

About the HIT Lab NZ:
The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) located at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand is developing and commercialising technology that improves human computer interaction. The HIT Lab NZ conducts research with new emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality, Next Generation Video Conferencing, Immersive Visualization and Human-Robot Interaction. Interaction Design techniques are used to adapt these technologies to the needs of end users and solve real world problems. The overall end goal is to improve the user experience with technology. More information can be found at

About CityViewAR:
The CityViewAR application was developed at the Human Interface Technology Lab at the University of Canterbury by the CityViewAR Development Team of Mark Billinghurst, Raphael Grasset, Gun Lee, Leigh Beattie, Tim Hobbs, Seungwon Kim, Alaeddin Nassani, Rohit Sharma, Sophia Grey, Kamaran Noori, Rozhen Mohammad-Amin and Rob de Voer. Go to for more information or look for HIT Lab NZ on Facebook and Twitter. The CityViewAR project is partially sponsored by Vodafone New Zealand Ltd.